Another constructive Consortium Meeting

A good year ago, the Buddy4All project started with a kick-off meeting in Vienna. Now, at "half-time", the project team met on 13 and 14 April 2023 - again in Vienna - to discuss the current project progress and to plan the various next steps. All partners were present with at least one representative.

The meeting’s agenda

The two-day meeting took place at the Consortium Partner AIT. On the first day, the focus was on the business plan that has to be worked out by the end of the project. In a workshop, various open questions in this regard were taken up in groups and then discussed in detail.

On the second day, the partners divided into two groups. The programme of the "Tech Partners" included a workshop to clarify outstanding implementation issues. In parallel, the "End User Organisations" discussed the interim results of the user workshops that are currently taking place in Switzerland and Austria - we will publish a detailed update here soon. The second agenda item for the "End User" team was to set up the upcoming field trials in autumn.

The meeting was concluded with the preliminary discussion of the review meeting to be held in Portugal in June and a joint workshop on risk analysis.

Many thanks to the team of AIT for the hospitality, for the organisation and coordination of the meeting - and for the "real Viennese" dinner in the middle of the busy Prater “hustle”:).

In pictures


Presentation of Buddy4All at EURAG annual meeting


User workshops, which were extremely instructive - and fun